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'Aunt Mandy & Uncle Elbe' 'Belle and Jeff Lockart' 'Eddy Family' 'Hattie & Carlos' 1028 Princeton, Delano, CA 1880 Helena, Lewis & Clark, Montana Census
A Family Gathering - 
Tom and Martha Mayne's home in LaMoille, IL Agnes Argenta Nelson Salkield Alex & Dona Faught Meadows Alfaretta Sinks Alfaretta Sinks Alfaretta Sinks Alfaretta Sinks AlfarettaAndAlbertKern102.jpg AlfarettaLawrenceAndRussell499.jpg AlfarettaSinks075.jpg
AlfredAndMaryGreenWedding343.jpg Alice Columbia 'Tiney' Kerr Death Cert AliceFThomasJan1915-5yrs149.jpg Alta Mayne Alta Mayne.jpg Amanda and John Wagner Amanda Mabel Grimes Amanda Patterson Lyman AmandaWagner and Fred W Wagner Amy Darline Huntley
Amy Darline Huntley.jpg amygracedalton_1 AndersonRasmussenIoder (1).jpg Andrew & Mary Sinks Andrew and Lilah Rasmussen Andrew Gilmer Mayne Andrew Kjar Rasmussen Andrew Munsen's Gravemarker Andrew Rasmussen Andrew Rasmussen.jpg
Andrew Sinks Andrew Sinks AndrewMunsonObit.jpg AndrewSinksAndFlorence567.jpg Angelena Josphine Valentine Anna Berlet Anna Rasmussen Anderson Anna Rasmussen.jpg
Asa Lyman At The Swisher Farm AtVerasPlace236.jpg August and Mary's Home August Koefoed Valentine August Ray Valentine August Valentine August William Valentine August William Valentine August William Valentine
AugustValiger511.jpg Austa Barnhart B. H. Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby Baby
Baby BabyKernPostcard101.jpg BabyKernPostcardBack106.jpg Back of the photo of Neils, Kiersten, and Peter Munsen Barbara Valentine Bell and Lucretia Kerr Belle and Barbara Valentine Belle and Bob Valentine Belle and Dalton Valentine
Belle and Robert Farthing Belle Farthing's letter to Floyd and Hazel Gibson Belle Kerr Belle Kerr Belle Kerr Belle Kerr on her Wedding Day Belle Kerr Valentine Belle Valentine Belle Valetine and Friends Belle with Barbara

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